This is just a nice, sweet, funny story to prove that not every celebrity is a rage monster, a crack monster, a lying douchebag, a friend of Xenu or a narcissistic POS. When some random stranger chanced upon Oscar winner Tom Hanks at a restaurant, the random dude asked Tom to pose for a series of photos. The dude had an idea of what kind of pics he wanted – he wanted to steal Tom’s glasses and pretend to be passed out drunk. The amazing part is that Tom happily obliged. These are the photos from that impromptu photo shoot.
Basically, if you ever run into Tom Hanks in a bar or restaurant, you should totally pester him for a photo, and you should begin to prepare your “hook” right now. Because chances are, Tom Hanks will say yes and then we’ll have even more magic. Tom Hanks is the best!
By the way, did you know that Tom Hanks is on Twitter? I did not know that before today. Here’s his Twitter feed – he finishes every tweet with “Hanx”. Which is cracking me up more than it should.
Photos courtesy of Reddit via Uproxx.